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  • Writer's pictureLovage Inc.

Your 3 Item Checklist For Successful Website Design Collaboration (2022 Edition)

Get The Most Out Of Your Website Design & Development Collaboration With These 3 Tips!

You know you need it - it's 2022, after all. Digital used to matter. Post-Pandemic times? Digital is everything.

So, is it time for a new business website? Is your company's current website dated, perhaps embarrassing, and maybe doesn't even present your company accurately for where it is today?

But, ugh! The time... to research website design cost, locate a website company collaborator, then the months (?!) of slogging through the development and design process, bit by bit. Blech!

Below is a quick checklist of things to prep and know before you jump in with your chosen Website Design & Development Partner.

iPad on white table with Coffee and a palm frond on a white table with lots of negative space. Lovage Inc. Website Design Firm Homepage is displayed on iPad.


Determine your priorities. Almost everyone looking for a new website needs it to look more modern with current design standards and simplified navigation. Beyond that - do you need significant work on the marketing messaging (headline focus, all copy refined)? How about refocusing presentation around your current core product? Or perhaps you want to focus on building momentum around a certain website visitor action such as talent application submission or email list sign up?


You will need, in almost all cases...

  1. LOGO high-resolution file(s)

  2. TEAM photography and bios

  3. NEW OFFERINGS INFO DOC(s) anything which is not currently on your website

  4. STRICKEN INFO DOC(s) anything you know needs to be removed

Your website design team will go much deeper than these items but these are essentials. Having this list of items handy and ready to go will save you time scrambling, later, and/or save you from launching a new website without all the updates you'd hoped to include.


No one, outside of your company leadership, knows your business as well as you do.

Any outside contractor (or even your internal team!) will do their best to jump into your world while collaborating with you. But only YOU can truly know the very important intricacies that make your business your business.

If something feels off, in the gut - tell your website design team, as best you can, in whatever language makes sense to you, even if it is just a "feeling."

Something important missing? Mention it! Asap!

Not feeling a certain website design styling? Let the website design team working for you know this. As soon as you are confident there may be an issue!

Two women in a modern loft, Website Design Office, with a brick wall background looking at a laptop with a marble skin on it
Website Design Firm, Lovage Inc., Founder Stephanie M. Casey and Creative Director Erika Mardones Lathrop

As a website design firm, the team at Lovage wants you to be excited about your new website and for it to be highly functional for your needs! Anyone you work with should feel the same way.

Use the above 3 x "Working With Your Website Designer" Tips for better success with whichever website development solution ends up being a fit for you.


Don’t let an unappealing website hold your business back. Book a Website Chat Today to discuss how to quickly transform your business website to enticing, engaging, and focused with modern website design and user experience.

30-Day Custom Website Design For Established and Growing Businesses

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